Devil's claw - yellow-flowered (Ibicella lutea)

Yellow-flowered devil's claw is a short annual plant with claw-like woody capsules. It injures livestock and competes with summer crops.


How does this weed affect you?

Infestations of yellow flowered devil's claw occur in isolated patches, often on roadsides and around stock camps. The leaves have an unpleasant odour and are not eaten by stock. Plants compete with summer crops. The seed pods can injure livestock.

Yellow-flowered devil’s claw is native to America.

What does it look like?

Yellow-flowered devil’s claw is a low-growing annual plant to 50 centimetres high and spreading to 1.5 metres wide. It has large round or kidney-shaped leaves. The yellow trumpet-shaped flowers have purple spots inside the throat. Flowering is in late summer and autumn. The woody seed capsules open into pairs of curved horns (10 centimetres long).

Where is it found?

Yellow flowered devil's claw grows in temperate and tropical climates. It prefers fertile soils. 

How does it spread?

The weed is spread when the clawed seed capsule attaches to livestock, particularly the feet and heads of sheep.  

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Herbicide options

Users of agricultural or veterinary chemical products must always read the label and any permit, before using the product, and strictly comply with the directions on the label and the conditions of any permit. Users are not absolved from compliance with the directions on the label or the conditions of the permit by reason of any statement made or not made in this information. To view permits or product labels go to the Australian Pesticides and Veterinary Medicines Authority website

See Using herbicides for more information.

2,4-D ester 680 g/L (Various products)
Rate: 1.15 to 1.7 L per ha
Comments: Boom spray application, before pods form. For non-legume pastures.
Withholding period: 7 days withholding for grazing.
Herbicide group: 4 (previously group I), Disruptors of plant cell growth (Auxin mimics)
Resistance risk: Moderate

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Biosecurity duty

The content provided here is for information purposes only and is taken from the Biosecurity Act 2015 and its subordinate legislation, and the Regional Strategic Weed Management Plans (published by each Local Land Services region in NSW). It describes the state and regional priorities for weeds in New South Wales, Australia.

Area Duty
All of NSW General Biosecurity Duty
All pest plants are regulated with a general biosecurity duty to prevent, eliminate or minimise any biosecurity risk they may pose. Any person who deals with any plant, who knows (or ought to know) of any biosecurity risk, has a duty to ensure the risk is prevented, eliminated or minimised, so far as is reasonably practicable.

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For technical advice and assistance with identification please contact your local council weeds officer.

Reviewed 2024